Monday 6 January 2020

Combat preview

I'm intending to get Combat Colin No.5 out before the Spring but for now here's a preview of the first page. It reprints the story that first appeared in The Transformers No.284, 25th August 1990. 

Combat Colin No.5 will be the penultimate issue, and I hope to get issue 6 out before the end of the year. It all depends on finances at the moment. Yep, I know I could use Kickstarter but I'd prefer to avoid that. It's too complicated adding stretch goals etc. Besides, I've backed some crowdfunders and the project never happened so I'm not jinxing it. 

So... expect to see Combat Colin No.5 in a few months hopefully. I'll keep you all updated on this blog of course. 

Meanwhile, my previous issues are still available, although issue 1 is now in short supply:



  1. Brilliant news! Looking forward to enjoying these again after so long. Count me in as always.

  2. Thanks for your ongoing support, Phil!

  3. Excellent! I bloomin' love Combat Colin!

  4. Looking forward to it ^_^
    just wondering, how far will issue 6 go? as in more recent Combat Colin appearances.

  5. The plan at the moment is for it to cover all the strips from the 20th Century. Then I have plans for a special to follow it featuring the Aces Weekly material. Those plans might change though so we'll see.

  6. Looking forward to this Lew and the dramatic issue 6 with the Last Ooer! I never got to see the continuation that you need years later so that will be interesting to see how our woolly hatted hero (and Steve) survived the epic ending! Keep up the great work!

  7. Sorry Lew my girlfriend was logged in on here! It was me that left that last message!

  8. No problem Darren! Thanks for commenting.
