Sunday 3 March 2019

The end of EPIC!

Here's a preview of my final Hygiene High strip for D.C. Thomson's Epic magazine. The publication ends this week with issue No.157. 

Hygiene High, about a school for stinky kids, has been running since Epic No.127, two years ago. It's written by Niall Murray and drawn by me. I can't say I'll really miss the "gross humour" aspect as I'd been doing that sort of stuff for Epic and Toxic for years, but I hope to find more regular work to replace the material I've lost. 

Epic started out as BeanoMax in 2007, and was later retitled Dennis and Gnasher Magazine, then Dennis and Gnasher's Epic Magazine, and finally Epic. Twelve years is a pretty respectable run for a magazine these days. As far as I know there are no plans to replace it with a new comic.


  1. Had a feeling with you doing your last Team Toxic that Epic was ending. had a good run. Not fully my taste but a good run

  2. Team Toxic is in Toxic. My strip has ended but Toxic continues.
    Hygiene High is in Epic, which has ended.
    So I've lost work in both mags.

  3. Ah of course... sorry, bit tired at the time ^_^;
    should have also noticed when I doubled checked it that 'Team Toxic' kinda is a big giveaway.

    Two down is pretty annoying/bad for a freelancer.. hopefully you will be able to replace it with something new soon.

  4. ...and no work on the Beano anymore either, so not a good start to the year.

  5. But at least new work in the form of a column ^_^;

  6. Financially not a balance but it all helps.
