Sunday 3 February 2019

Team Toxic's final destination

The adventures of Team Toxic draw to a close this week but hopefully they'll be back one day! My final two-page story appears in Toxic No.317, on sale Wednesday 6th February.

In their final story, the Team are sent on a mission through a dimensional gateway and find themselves in a world that seems soft and comfortable... but appearances can be deceptive! Find out what happens in Comfort Zone in Toxic No.317, available from newsagents and supermarkets across the UK.

I've been a contributor to Toxic since issue No.1, way back in 2002, so I'm definitely missing the strip, but in this age of economic uncertainty, companies are making cutbacks and, as ever, the workforce are the ones to take the hit. Toxic will continue, but apparently without the strips.

The decision to end it came after I'd submitted the pages for this story, so although the story is self-contained, it's not the grand send-off I'd have done if I'd had some advance notice. Still, perhaps the strip will be revived at some point.

I've been writing/drawing Team Toxic for so long that I've met some people at conventions who read it when they were kids, and now their youngsters are reading it! If you have any memories of the strip, please post your thoughts below...


  1. Hopefully in the future you'll get the job back...and all the best with new things that might come your way...
