Wednesday 21 November 2018

Birthday Boil!

Thanks to Phil Boyce of The Oink! Blog for reminding me that this week 32 years ago, Pete and his Pimple began his regular series in Oink! comic. The strip only ran for just under three years but I had a blast creating the character and writing/drawing the series. That's the first episode above...

...and here's a later one, from the Christmas 1986 issue of Oink!...
A mistake at the printers left the speech balloons off the BANG! panel.

Along with Tom Thug, Pete and his Pimple later moved over to Buster when the two comics merged in October 1988. In this episode, from May 1989, I put both characters into one strip...

A particular favourite was this illustration I did for the UKCAC '88 convention booklet. The original art was auctioned off for charity. I wonder where it is now? 


  1. Oh a new Pete and Tom strip! Well, new for me anyway! I only started with Oink at issue 14, so only one short fortnight after reading my first ever comic I was introduced to Pete, who remained a favourite all the way through Oink’s run. Good timing.

  2. If you didn't follow Tom and Pete into Buster there's six months of Pete you missed and 8 years of new Tom Thug strips before it went reprint. :)

  3. Oh I know! You've no idea how much I'd love to get my hands of those strips!!
