Tuesday 21 November 2017

Banner roughs and finished art

Here's another example of my rough pencils compared to the finished product. This time it's the art for the banner I use at conventions around the country. The original art was drawn A3 size and it was enlarged for the finished banner. 

Above are my rough pencils, and below is the finished art after I'd inked it, and scanned it into Photoshop to colour and add fonts etc. (Click on it to see it larger.)

That's the banner to look out for at Reading Comic Con, where you'll find me this weekend 25th and 26th November.


  1. hi Lew,

    So it looks like you prefer to draw in pencil rather than directly via a wacom.

    I bought a wacom cintq recently but still prefer drawing the rough sketches on paper and then tracing once scanned into photoshop.


  2. I have a small Wacom tablet but couldn't get used to it so never really used it. I've never tried a Cintiq. I hear they're great, and I know a lot of comic artists use them, but I prefer pencilling and inking on Bristol Board. (And lettering by hand too, on strips I letter myself like the Daft Dimension.) I only use Photoshop for colouring.

  3. Thats amazing because your lines are so crisp. Can I ask what scanner you use?

  4. A relatively cheap one I've had for a few years. Canon Lide 110.
