Monday 15 May 2017

Combat Report

This is just a progress update on the Combat Colin comic I'll be publishing. Well, actually there hasn't been much progress since the last update as I'm currently busy on mainstream work for Toxic, Epic, Doctor Who Magazine, and Dandy Annual 2019

What I can tell you is that issue 1 will have 40 pages (full cover covers and 36 black and white interior pages) and will reprint all of the Combat Colin strips from Action Force from 1987/88. I still have the cover to draw, the editorial page to write/design, and the introductory strip page to write/draw, so that'll be a few days work when I can fit it in. 

I'm still hoping to launch issue 1 at the Brighton International Comic Expo on 10th June but that might not be possible now. If I miss that date, it'll be launched at the Birmingham Comic Show (part of the Birmingham Comic Festival) on June 24th. 

I'll keep you all posted, so readers of this blog will the first to know! Thanks to everyone for your patience so far.

(Oh, and as for the spiteful type who claimed that people self-publish because of shortfalls of work in the mainstream comics industry; that's just faulty reasoning as usual. Self-publishing is all about having complete creative control of one's intellectual property, and having fun doing it!)


  1. Well the fact you haven't been able to get this out as quickly as you wanted because of the amount of mainstream work you have on just proves those spiteful types wrong. Again.

    But anyway, I digress, can't wait to get my hands on this, especially since I never collected Action Force as a kid.

  2. I just wish I could have published it last month, on the actual 30th anniversary of the character. Still, it'll be out next month for the summer, hopefully!

  3. I’m ready for this Lew and will get a copy from you at MACC-POW!

  4. Smart Marc by name, smart by nature! Thanks, Marc!
