Monday 3 April 2017

Combat comics

I've been loosely working out the pagination for the Combat Colin comics I'm working on and it looks like it'll probably take six issues to reprint everything. If I stick to my plan of publishing two or three issues a year (more likely two this year) it'll be covered in about three years. 

I know some of you wanted it to be a done-in-one book, but it's going to work out much better all round if I do it as six comics. A 200 page graphic novel would take me ages to get all the pages ready to print and it'd be a big expense. I think it'll be better for the readers (and for me) to spread the cost out over six issues. Before anyone suggests crowdfunding; no. Call me old fashioned but I'd rather pay my own way up front, but thanks to anyone who would have been willing to pledge. 

With a six-issue series you'll not only have the advantage of spreading the cost over a few years you'll also get a brand new cover every issue, as opposed to one cover on a book. Plus one or two new pages of strip every issue as introductory pages. (And hopefully a letters page every issue too, if enough people write in.)

Anyway, there's still a way to go yet, and at the moment I need to get back to mainstream work as deadlines on Beano and Toxic are beckoning! More news on Combat Colin at a later date. 


  1. Oh do let us know when you'd like letters sent in! I know we're all grown adults now but how that'd take us back, and that's the whole point here surely. Great news about some new pages too, really looking forward to these Lew!

  2. 6 issues sounds like a nice amount. Can't wait ^_^ well, I can but looking forward to it.

  3. Thanks, both. Phil, I'll be publishing e-mail comments on the letters page. No need to send physical letters. I'm getting ahead of myself a bit though as I need to get to work on issue 1 first! :)

    I'm estimating it to be six issues, Manic. Might be seven if they're not all 40 page issues, but we'll see.
