Sunday 19 March 2017

Combat memories

Thirty years ago I was embarking on a new strip for Marvel UK that would run for four years and is still my favourite work. Combat Colin started in Action Force No.5 in late March 1987. Today, I've been sorting through the original artwork. I was pleased to find that I still have most of the pages.
As Marvel gave me the rights back long ago, I'll be reprinting all those early strips in Combat Colin No.1. I'll be scanning from my original artwork and from the comics to fill in the gaps of the originals I don't have.
My original plan was to bring it out on the 30th Anniversary week, but I've been too busy to even start on it until now, so expect to see it either in May or (more likely) June.
I'll be posting more info as it develops, and I hope some of you will be interested in buying a copy. I plan to publish two or three issues a year until all the stories have been reprinted. Issue No.1 should have 40 pages, which will cover all of the Action Force episodes, then issue 2 will commence reprinting the strips that were in The Transformers.

More news on availability and ordering info at a later date.


  1. Count me in for this...


  2. Fantastic, looking forwards to it!

  3. in a way, shame about delay but the fact its still a go is great news ^_^

    minor question though.. you are scanning from original art which is good, but will the pages be B&W or Re-coloured?

  4. Colour covers, black and white interiors, like Derek the Troll. Any pages I need to scan from the comics will be printed greyscale. Reasons being it'd take me too long to colour 36 pages and colour printing would push the price up to £5 or more.

    Some of the later Combat Colin strips were published in black and white anyway, so rather than start off with colour issues and switch to black and white later I'd rather keep them all the same for a consistent series.
