Thursday 5 January 2017

New series! Hygiene High starts next week

My first new strip for 2017 starts next week in Epic magazine, published by D.C. Thomson. Hygiene High features the grottiest, grimiest kids since the days of The Swots and the Blots, and they're enrolled into a school that aims to smarten them up. It's a daunting task for their head teacher Auntie Bacteria! 

Written by Niall Murray and drawn by me, Hygiene High is a two page strip featuring six stinky kids; Pee-Yew Jimmy, Bean Jean, Snotty Scotty, the Bin Twins, and Pooey Louis. The sort of gross humour about farts and bogeys that adults sometimes disapprove of but kids enjoy, and Epic is aimed at kids so hopefully it'll go down well. (I really like the flies the designers have added to the page borders!)

The magazine also includes a page of mini-strips drawn by me; Eric FailTerrible Movies, and Zombie Sports...

...and there's also another chapter of Overreaction Man by Alex Collier and Steve Bright.

That's all in Epic No.127, on sale from newsagents and supermarkets from Wednesday 11th January! 


  1. My subscription ended on the Christmas issue (I think), but it's good to see Epic continue to introduce new strips... and great that there is more comic strips than in previous issues. I shall be purchasing the magazine, are your mini strips you had in the previous (Christmas) issue still in next weeks Epic?

    1. Yes, as I said, those three strips continue too. So I'll have three pages in total in the next issue.

    2. Ah that's great news, thanks! :)
