Tuesday 20 December 2016

Best wishes for Christmas!

As we approach the end of another year it's only natural to be reflective on the past 12 months. On a personal level 2016 hasn't been a bad year for me; I paid off my mortgage, work's been steady, and I've really enjoyed being a guest at various conventions around the UK, meeting old friends and new people. I must admit I do bury myself in my work, partly because I enjoy it, partly because it compensates for not having a family, but as always, the support of good friends has been appreciated more than words can say. I count my blessings.
I know that for some, 2016 has been a mixed and sometimes terrible year, so I tried to think of a Christmas card that was an appropriate message for all. What it came down to really was a message of peace for the future. Not only to wish you the peace of a non-hostile environment but also peace of mind. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and good health, happiness, and prosperity for 2017.


  1. And the same back to you, Lew. Been a busy old year what with one thing and another ( the BEST being our new dog! ), so sorry I've been so quiet, but I have still been following both blogs and I'm currently LOVING this year's batch of old Christmas comics over on Blimey!

    1. Thanks, John. A few more Christmas comics to show before the weekend break. Congrats on getting a new dog!

  2. Very nice card Lew - have a great Christmas (I'm so jealous you have paid our mortgage off , I still have 7 years to go) :)

  3. Thanks, Bruce. And to you.

    Don't be jealous, Paul. Negative emotions do no one any good. Those seven years will soon pass. Have a good Christmas!
