Thursday 4 February 2016

Team Toxic preview

It's been a busy week and I have a busier few days ahead drawing the next Daft Dimension, plus the start of a new series for a certain comic, and a one-off job. (More details about those at a later date.) I won't have a lot of time for blogging so here's an advance preview of a couple of panels from next week's Team Toxic adventure. You'll find it in Toxic No.267, on sale Wednesday 10th February from newsagents and supermarkets everywhere!


  1. No Stringertoon for nearly 2 weeks! I'm suffering withdrawl symptoms! (Nice preview though...)

    1. Yeah, I got a bit tired of the routine of doing one every day, but I'll add one from time to time.

  2. I love this preview, Loonyverse monsters are the best. The flying bottom with wings is particularly hilarious.This scene reminds me of the Suburban Satanists strip where they opened a gateway to hell... except of course there are less many-breasted monsters in the team toxic strip ;)

    1. Ha! Glad you remember it. I will get those strips into print in the UK one day! Hopefully issue 1 this year.
