Sunday 3 January 2016

The Daily Stringertoon - 1

As if I wasn't busy enough, I've set myself a challenge to draw a cartoon a day throughout 2016, which I'll be showing here as well as on my Facebook page and on Twitter. The cartoons will mostly be separate to my regular strips, and all creator owned. If I'm pushed for time the cartoons may only be pencil sketches or roughs. Some may be more experimental. Who knows? I'll draw whatever comes to mind, and probably mostly new characters like the unnamed one above. Enjoy the journey! 


  1. That's some challenge Lew with all the work you have on! This one reminds me simultaneously of Judge Dredd and a Minion...

    1. Thanks Phil. I draw practically every day anyway so it's not that much of a challenge, and they're only quick drawings, stream-of-consciousness stuff. I never know what I'm about to draw before I start sketching these.
