Friday 21 August 2015

A Pigswilla epic!

Back in 1988 I produced a nine page Perils of Pigswilla story for Oink! comic. Full of robot-on-robot violence and piggy puns, the action-comedy strip is now online in its entirety over on Phil Boyce's excellent Oink! Blog! 

By this time in Oink's history the comic was aimed at a slightly older reader and subsequently contained some darker humour and scenes that certainly wouldn't appear in a mainstream comic for kids today. It's still a story I'm pleased with so I hope you enjoy it:


  1. Thanks for the mention, Lew. It's a superb strip and certainly worthy of extra attention these days.

  2. You're welcome, Phil. You've got a great blog and it, and the Oink Fscebook page, have brought together a lot of readers from the 1980s to share their memories. Oink! was a fantastic and unique comic loved by creators and readers alike and it's heartening to see it remembered.

  3. Lew is absolutely right, - Phil's Oink blog is piggin' marvelous! Check out his "Beyond Oink" series too, everybody!
    ( And Lew, hope you're feeling better today? )
