Friday 8 May 2015

Back to the drawing board

I'm feeling a lot better after my recent virus or whatever it was but still not 100%. However, I need to catch up with work so tonight I'm finishing off the latest Team Toxic two-pager for a forthcoming issue of Toxic, then over the weekend I'm writing a new one-off page. This will be for a future issue of Dark Horse's Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out comic. Good trashy horror fun for adult readers. If you missed the first two strips I did for that comic you can read about them here and here

After that, I'll be working on a new three page Combat Colin strip for an issue of Aces Weekly. More about that later this month.

Then it'll be time to start work on another Daft Dimension for Doctor Who Magazine, and another Team Toxic strip. Also, I'm hoping to be commissioned for some pages on the 2017 dated annuals soon. All in all, this is a busy month I'm glad to say. 

Anyway, back to work...


  1. Glad you're a lot better, Lew.
    By the time you've finished that lot you should be 100% again!

    1. I hope so John. Summer's coming and I want to get out and about.
