Sunday 15 March 2015


Remembering my mam on this Mother's Day as I do every day. A kind, gentle woman who was the best mother I could have wished for and my best friend. She always gave me the encouragement and support I needed to pursue my dreams. The photo I've chosen is from 1962 at Blackpool. 

Thinking too of those of you who have also lost your mums. It's not easy to cherish the happy memories without also remembering the sad times, so my thoughts are with you. 


  1. Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day both have gaps in them now. I have actually nearly gone in the shop to buy a card once or twice.
    And then I realize.

    1. My dad died in 1974 so it's been a long time since Fathers Day crossed my mind but I know what you mean. I never forget my mum's gone though as she's never far from my thoughts. Also, I walk past the road she lived in every time I go to the corner shop so it's a constant reminder.

  2. Lovely words about your Mum Lew - Iike yourself (and most folk I imagine) I think of my mum and dad (and brother) every day it still seems surreal that they are no longer here - like John I also almost nearly have bought mothers day ( and fathers day and my dads been gone nearly 30 years) cards not thinking that draws you up - a few months ago I bought a new car and when I got home I actually picked my phone up to call my mum about it - still memories help and like me your lucky we had good ones. That photo of Woolworths in Blackpool brought back memories

    1. Thanks Paul. I've pretty much adjusted to life without my mum now but what still saddens me is that she had a lot of unhappiness in her life which was so unfair for someone who never harmed anyone. She put on a brave face but the sadness was never far away.

  3. That is a shame Lew I am sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you brightened up her life (from the pics you and your mum it looks like that) - I know what you mean as in a similar way what saddens me re my dad and my brother was they were both taken way too young and my wee mum did not have a good last few weeks for a lovely kind lady.

    1. Yes, life can be very cruel and unfair to the nicest of people. Take care Paul.
