Wednesday 31 December 2014

Forward to 2015

The New Year issue of The Beano arrived in shops today and there's a half page Ivy the Terrible strip in there I drew, which was scripted by Stu Munro. As far as I know this is the final Ivy strip for now but I hope to work on the strip again one day though as it was fun to draw.

Two new mini-strips by me should hopefully be starting in The Beano soon. One is the return of an old favourite, and the other is a character I haven't drawn in his own strip before. I've no idea when these stories will begin, but they have quite a few strips in stock to use so it should be soon. 
Latest issue. Cover by Nigel Parkinson.
Beyond that, I don't know what I'll be doing for The Beano in the future but I hope I can continue working for it. So 2015 begins on a bit of an uncertain note in that regard.

I still have my Team Toxic strip in Toxic though, and The Daft Dimension in Doctor Who Magazine but more regular work would be welcome. This hasn't been an easy year although work did pick up considerably half way through with plenty of pages for next year's annuals and the commission to provide artwork for the Stikkums app. I enjoyed designing all the characters for that and would enjoy doing more work of that type.

I also have two more pages to draw for Grindhouse for Dark Horse, which will see print around May/June time. 

I'm also hoping to do plenty of comic shows, with the first one scheduled on April 18th for the Birmingham Comics Festival. 

I have a few other plans but they're dependent on how things go this year. 2014 was a bit of a dinosaur year; thin at one end, getting thicker in the middle, and thin at the other end. (Monty Python fans will get it.) I hope 2015 will be a better year.

Thanks to all of you for following this blog over the last year and for taking an interest in my work. It's very much appreciated. All the best for 2015!


  1. Replies
    1. A belated Happy New Year to you too, Bruce. Sorry for the delayed reply. I haven't been on this blog for a few days.
