Monday 8 September 2014

Return of the original Keyhole Kate

In a story I did for The Dandy Annual 2015, now on sale, today's Keyhole Kate travels back in time to 1937 to encounter her ancestor... the original Keyhole Kate. It's one chapter in a three-part time travel story within the book, which I hope will appeal to Dandy fans old and new.

I noticed today that WH Smith currently have a special offer on annuals, - buy one, get another for £1, so this is the time to get 'em! 


  1. Need to see this. My late Mother loved Keyhole Kate and got me addicted to comics in the first place. But WHAT a " habit " to have, eh?!?!

    1. That's good. My own mum wasn't a comics reader but she did encourage me to read comics when I was a kid and, unlike the usual story, never threw out my comics. (Later she used to read every comic strip I did. Except for Viz. I didn't show her the sweary stuff. She never used language like that so she wouldn't have liked it.)

      The reason I put the original Kate in that story is because my mum told me that my grandma (who died before I was born) really liked Keyhole Kate. My mum would have been too old for The Dandy when it was launched, and wasn't into comics back then anyway, so I can only assume that my grandad (who did like comics) must have bought a copy home. Unless my grandma bought a copy with 'Red Letter' weekly which she apparently read regularly.

  2. My Mother and her brothers came from a poor family, who couldn't afford comics, but were given Beanos & Dandys from a kindly neighbour. One of her brothers used to buy me every comic in the shop in the late 50's / early 60's!!
    Dad used to love my Beezer's and Mum used to like the Beano / Dandy reprints in my brother's Sparkeys in '65.
    Unfortunately for me, my Mother DID throw out some of my comics, which really used to upset me! I wanted to keep them all and I'd love to still have them all!

    1. My mum and dad came from poor backgrounds too, which may be another reason my mum didn't have comics. (My dad and his brothers read Film Fun though.) My grandad (mum's dad) was an orphan but people donated comics to the boys home he grew up in so he developed his liking for comics by reading Illustrated Chips (this would be around 1900). Weary Willie and Tired Tim were his favourites.

      Just goes to show that comics were a popular form of entertainment for kids in our parents and grandparents days. These days it's mobile phones, but at least they didn't have to plug in a comic to recharge it.
