Wednesday 16 July 2014

Things to come!

I don't have anything in this week's Beano because they're experimenting with the content a bit so the mini-strips have been postponed for a few weeks. Lord Snooty will be back soon though! They have 9 completed strips still to use, although I don't know if all of those will be used in this run or not.

My work on Snooty is finished for the moment but I've been busy writing/drawing a few puzzle pages for the comic. There's an image from one of them above, with Plug looking more handsome than usual. Expect to see those puzzle pages appear in a few weeks time. 

I've also been commissioned to draw a new series for The Beano featuring an old favourite. I've just sent off the art for the first one so it'll be a couple of months yet before that begins. I'll say no more about it until The Beano reveals what the strip is. 

I was also contacted recently by another company for a one-off strip featuring a 1960s character I never expected to ever have a chance to draw! My contribution is only small but other creators are also working on the comic. News of this special publication will be revealed in a few days time and it'll knock a few socks off I think. 

There's also another strip I'm developing for a magazine which I hope will be accepted as I'm very excited about working for that title. If it all goes well I'll reveal all in a few weeks time. 


  1. I'm going to guess that the other company is Egmont? And the 60's character... Buster?

    1. It'd be very nice if so, but no, not Egmont, not Buster. It's a company I've never worked for before. All I can say at present is I'm really pleased to be involved in this special project.

  2. Ooooooh very interested in the 1960s character, wondering if its more an adventure type character in different styles - sounds like a character from a now defunct company revised by a newer one (Odhams?) -irrespective I look forward to your update on that one Lew - and good luck with your other ventures

    1. Thanks Paul! I can now reveal that the 1960s character is ZOONY THE LAZOON (from FIREBALL XL5) and the mini-strip will appear in a one-off, all-new edition of TV21 to be part of a Blu-Ray box set that Network are doing called SUPERMARIONATION.
