Tuesday 13 May 2014

Smasher Preview

I sent off another couple of completed pages for The Dandy Annual 2016 today. Working on more tomorrow. And the day after that. And next week. I won't show you previews of those for a long time yet because the book won't be out for at least another 14 months! 

However, what I will show you is a panel (above) from The Dandy Annual 2015, which should be in the shops sometime in July of this year. As you can see, The Smasher is back again, and I'm pleased to say that I wrote/drew/coloured/lettered five pages of his smashing strips for the book. (Plus I illustrated an extra puzzle page featuring the character.) 

I have a few other pages in the book too, and I'll show you glimpses of those at a later date. 

The Dandy comic had a great 75 year run, and I'm sure we all miss it, but I'm happy that the annual is continuing. Long may it carry on. 

1 comment:

  1. Dc Thomson have told me that they have 'exciting' plans for The Digital Dandy - shame it's not the print Dandy but we may be able to see some more Retro Active!
