Wednesday 22 January 2014

In this week's Beano...

...there's the final Celebs on a Sledge mini-strip from me. This was a fun series to do and I hope I'll have the opportunity to do more daft ideas for The Beano in the future. Next week this strip is replaced by a new run of Rasher so I'll show a preview of that next Wednesday all being well. 

Also in today's Beano from me is another Doctor Flu mini-strip. This brings us to the halfway point on this six week run. And The Doctor still has the flu! Here's a preview before the word balloon was added.

There's also a stack of other all-new strips by my cartooning contemporaries of course. The Beano is out now - 36 full colour pages for just £2. If you're a regular reader thanks for coming back. If you haven't read The Beano for a while - give it a try. 


  1. The new Rasher series is being drawn by Dave Sutherland now Lew. Sorry chum.

    1. Dunno where you heard that, but they already have several in stock by me and I'm drawing another tonight.
