Sunday 8 December 2013

Introducing... Doctor Flu!

As the news has already been revealed in the Christmas Beano that subscribers have now received I thought I'd show an image of my new mini-strip, Doctor Flu, that will begin in The Beano in the New Year. (I understand it starts in the issue on sale January 9th.)

As you can guess, it's basically a Doctor Who type with the flu, on an adventure in space and time with coughs and sneezes for six self-contained episodes. I really enjoyed doing this strip and I'm looking forward to it appearing in print. 


  1. That release date sounds like a printing error - it's the wrong day of the week. It's a Thursday, but the Beano comes out on Wednesdays, which would make 8th the right date. Also, this means three Wednesdays will pass without a new issue, it's usually two weeks that get skipped at Christmas. I was expecting the next issue to be due on New Year's Day.

    1. A Beano staff member told me that date so I'm sure it's correct. The Christmas/New Year holidays cause all sorts of disruption with print and distribution schedules so, yes, The Christmas Beano will be on sale for four weeks. Did you really expect a comic published in Scotland to come out on New Year's Day? :)

    2. Update: I've just been informed that it will indeed be on sale on Wednesday Jan 8th.

  2. Looking forward to this.
