Monday 16 December 2013

Christmas Comic Card 2001

I've drawn a few self-created Christmas cards over the years and in 2001 I thought I'd design it as a comic. Only a two page comic admittedly - front and back of the card - but with a few mini-strips. I was still relatively new to using the computer for design back then but it turned out ok I think. The plan was to do a new Comic Card every Christmas but I never did so here's the one and only edition! 


  1. Very profound the Surbans...
    Also like the curry joke...

  2. I'd buy these every year! (small hint... g'wan!)

  3. I see a 1998 copyright on the Suburban Satanists strip. Is that from another comic (Viz?), with 1998 being it's debut year? And of course the "recent events in the news" you refer to would be 9/11. I hope the card had the desired effect of cheering people up. Shame we didn't get the peace! I wonder if this style of card would sell well in the shops? It's not a format I've seen used before.

    1. Suburban Satanists was the strip I did for several years in 'Herman Hedning' comic published by Egmont in Norway and Sweden. One of these days I'll collect them all in English. Would be nice to see it in Viz but it's not really their style of humour. They turned it down unfortunately. It'd probably be a hard sell to any other UK comic because of its subject matter.
