Wednesday 6 November 2013

Recent and current work

It's a busy time at present, I'm pleased to say. I drew a new Pathetic Sharks page for Viz last week, which will appear in their Christmas issue which goes on sale on the 21st November. I won't reveal the plot but here's the title box, snow on the logo and all. 

All the Rubbish Robots mini-strips for The Beano have been completed and the strip should return to its pages soon. (There's been a few special theme issues recently which elbowed out some of the regular contents.)

I'm just drawing the final mini-strip of another series for The Beano and that should start soon too. As it has a winter theme I'm guessing December or January might see it appear in the comic. I'll reveal more when I know for sure.

I'm about to work on a third mini-strip series for the comic too. All the scripts have been accepted and I'll be ploughing ahead on the six strips from tomorrow. As it's a brand new series I can't reveal the title yet. 

I'm also currently writing a script for another comic/mag and I'll reveal more about that next month. There's also a drawing project lined up for a one-off job outside of comics but, again, I can't say anything about it yet.

Sorry for the secrecy! Some days being a cartoonist is just like being James Bond! (But without the exotic locales, fast cars, faster women, and sharks. Ok, I have the sharks. Pathetic ones at least.)

1 comment:

  1. A varied portfolio at the moment then? Variety the spice of life etc. Forget exotic locales, Blackpool every time.
