Monday 28 October 2013


This week I'm busy drawing a brand new Pathetic Sharks page for the Christmas issue of Viz! It's out next month so I'd better get my skates on. 


  1. I always enjoy seeing seeing the pencil stage of art.I was a surprised to see that you draw in blue pencil. I thought the norm was to draw with normal pencils but to then scan them and print a blue line version for inking. Do you ink directly onto your original pencils?

  2. Artists have various methods I guess. The one you describe sounds more time consuming and would require an A3 printer. I find that inking directly over the blue pencils suits me. I then scan it as blackline so the blue doesn't pick up.

    I used to draw in pencil, ink with a Rotring or dip nib, then erase the pencils. But now I ink with uniPin pens the ink tends to grey out if you erase over that, so I found using blue pencil, (requiring no erasing as the scanner doesn't pick it up) was better.

    Perhaps I'll go back to inking with Rotring or dip nib one day but the quality of Bristol Board has declined over the years and those pens tend to catch on it. uniPin pens, being fibre tipped, provide a smoother line on today's standard of Board.

  3. the main system I know and use is to sketch in blue, and then ink.. but then, I also have an A3 scanner/printer ^_^ so I could do it either way.
