Friday 30 August 2013

Feast or famine

Here's an advance preview of my final Watch-Hog strip from next week's Beano, on sale Wednesday 4th September. (Although subscribers will receive their copies before then.) I've nothing else lined up to replace it in the comic at present but I'm continuing to send The Beano ideas for new strips so if or when something comes along you'll hear about it here first. 

I've enjoyed producing the 33 Rasher strips and the 6 week Watch-Hog sequel these past several months so for his final send off I thought I'd treat him to a traditionally exaggerated slap-up feed! 

It's not quite the end of our porcine pal though, as I have four Rasher mini-strips to draw soon for The Beano Annual 2015, although you won't be seeing those in print for another 12 months or so.

Anyway, back to work on The Smasher pages for The Dandy Annual 2015, then the return of Combat Colin for Aces Weekly, and hopefully a Viz strip soon too! Stay tuned to this blog for future news.


  1. My father was Scottish and sometimes he bought "Scotch pies" from Iceland's. They looked exactly like the pies in the gigantic slap-up meals from the'70s D.C. Thompson comics ( DC Thompson were from Dundee after all).

    1. Like in the picture above.

  2. Have the Beano considered continuing ideas from your Dandy strips Lew?

    1. They prefer to use new characters these days, which is understandable.

  3. Now that's what I call a slap-up feed! Probably a tenner's worth there, never mind a fiver!

  4. Now that's what I call a slap-up feed! Probably a tenner's worth there, never mind a fiver!

    1. It's Davy Francis of Cowpat County and Cider Man fame! Nice to see you here Davy.
