Sunday 2 June 2013

It's Biffo!

Believe it or not the 2014 cover-dated annuals will start appearing in bookshops from next month. For The Beano Annual 2014 I've drawn a classic character that I've never done before, - Biffo the Bear! This two page strip was fun to do and I hope I did a good job on the character. Decide for yourselves in July when the book hits the shops. You can pre-order it now from Amazon.

I've also drawn six pages for The Dandy Annual 2014. Which characters? I'll reveal more at a later date. 


  1. Think I'll be waiting six months and 22 days until I see this one - still not "used" to the idea of annuals being out in the Summer!

    1. I doubt all shops will display them in July. A few years ago Waterstones in Birmingham told me they were holding thm back until September, even though Borders had them on display in July.

      They do come out a bit earlier these days but annuals have always traditionally gone on sale in August/ September so July isn't that much of an extension, and hopefully it helps increase sales with a longer shelf life.

    2. My local Waterstones in Chichester last year said that they did have the Beano and Dandy 2013 Annuals in stock but chose not to display them on shelves as they said it doesn't feel right to be putting up the annuals so early on. But they still let me buy the annuals, they just took them out from storage and I got them late July. I think that's fair enough - the annuals should come out later but hey, I'm not complaining, I like the annuals coming out earlier as it means I get to read them earlier!

    3. Really, shops should display them when they're expected to, not hold them back, but it's good they let you buy copies when you asked.

    4. I always got an annual or two for Christmas, with an orange and some nuts, seems odd talking annuals in July, but the smell of the pages always brings Christmas back anyway.
