Thursday 7 March 2013

The Daily 'Combat Colin' - Part 6

Here's the final episode of One of our Milkmen is Missing, which originally appeared in Action Force No.19, 11th July 1987.

Editor Richard Starkings gave me a full page for this one, so I was able to be a bit more inventive with the layout. And hopefully provide more daftness per square inch. 

As always, click on the image to see it larger.

I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment to let me know what you thought. 

I'll upload another Combat Colin adventure in a week or two. In the meantime, I'll be blogging about other stuff.

Below: The 1987 issues of Action Force where this serial first appeared. 


  1. Puntastic. Kinda makes me hanker for a Combat Colin compilation book of some sort though.

  2. In the tradition of all good comic book nerds I'd like to quibble over a glitch instead of adding anything useful. So, is Colins face a bit yellow in the bottom left hand pane? :) Oh, and love the tall panel of the milkmen falling over the cliff. Thats the kinda thing that I used to clip out of comics and pin up in my room as a kid. Hilraious all by itself, needs no explanation.

  3. Thanks folks. Yes, there were a few colouring mistakes in those days of colour being added with acetate overlays. Combat Colin was coloured in the office by the Marvel staff. They did a great job.

    Craig, I'll do a Combat Colin collection one of these days, when I have time to scan all the pages.
