Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Daily 'Combat Colin' - Part 4

Here's Part 4 of One of our Milkmen is Missing from Action Force No.17, 27th June 1987.

This episode introduces Doctor Nasty who would become Colin's recurring nemesis throughout the strip's run in Action Force.

Again, I'm a bit uncomfortable with the depiction of the natives, and having a white guy as their ruler doesn't exactly help matters. I had intended to reveal the origin of Doctor Nasty at some point, explaining how he became ruler of Evilonia but I never got around to it.

Perhaps I should do it as an 'untold tale' for a future issue of Aces Weekly? I'll be creating a new Combat Colin story for that digital comic soon. (And if you missed the all-new Combat Colin strip in issue 1 of Aces Weekly, it's never too late to subscribe!) 

Chapter five of One of our Milkmen is Missing will appear tomorrow at 9.00 A.M. (GMT).

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1 comment:

  1. Wayhey! Thats greaet news about Aces Weekley :) Its the only comic I have a subscription to atm due the tough economic times...and having a disaproving wife.
