Saturday 2 March 2013

The Daily 'Combat Colin' - Part 1

When Combat Colin began, back in Marvel UK's Action Force No.5 (4th April 1987) it was a weekly gag strip, with each story self contained. Enjoyable as it was to do that what I really wanted was to turn it into a comedy serial, in the fashion of The Cloak and I-Spy (two of my favourite strips when I was a boy). 

Action Force's editor Richard Starkings gave me that opportunity so with issue No.14, I commenced Combat Colin's first serial, One Of Our Milkmen Is Missing!

I'll be running the entire six-part serial on this blog every day, over six days. Here's part one, from Action Force No.14, dated 6th June 1987. Click on the image to see it larger.

I hope you enjoy it. Comments welcome. Click here for part 2.


  1. Awesome! Love this comic strip, would love to see a collected edition.

  2. Thanks Sid. I'll do it one of these days. I estimate it'll be about 180 pages so it'll take time to scan that lot. I don't have the original art for all of them so I'd have to scan from the comics and Photoshop out the colour for a black and white collection. (A colour book would prove too expensive.)

    I'm intending to publish a collection of something else first though. Stay tuned!

  3. Ooooh, is that the Elephantmen Brickman strips you're hinting at? I'd also love a Colin collection. Digging out the box of Action Force / Transformers comics is always a chore. Started scanning the Colin strips a while back to read whilst commuting. They're perfect tablet size. Like you said though rather a lot of them so I never quite finished that job. Was nice when he appeared in Aces Weekley, pity it was only a one off! Out of curiosity do you have the rights to Derek the troll too? If so I think he'd make a nice bonus to your next collection.

  4. Brickman Returns will appear... one day. Yes, I've always held the rights to Derek the Troll. It'd be interesting if he appeared in a collection wouldn't it? But there's only 10 pages so the rest of the comic would feature... stay tuned. ;-)
