Saturday 12 September 2020

Listen up! Here's a new podcast interview

In the unavoidable absence of comic cons we've seen an increase in comics podcasts about the world of comics. A few weeks ago I was interviewed via Zoom about my life and career by Shane Chebsey for his ICE-CAST and it's now uploaded onto his site if you want to listen to it. Runs for slightly over an hour...


  1. Why are comicons "unavoidably absent"? My local indoor market is open for business.

  2. Kelly, regarding conventions, it's because they have to be planned too far in advance for organisers to commit to yet as no one knows what restrictions will be in place on those dates... or if anyone would want to attend.

  3. I see you deleted my earlier comment so I'll say it again, you have the most dull voice and a boring monosyllabalic lexicon plus terrible diction so your interview is really hard to listen to. Sorry!
