Sunday 3 December 2017

Pedantic Stan, Comics Fan!

Back in the late 1980s I worked with John Freeman on a strip called Pedantic Stan, the Comics Fan for Speakeasy fanzine. John came up with the character, and had originally called him Captain Pedant, but I felt that Pedantic Stan suited him better so we agreed to call him that. John wrote the scripts, and I drew it. The strip didn't run for long, but I think it'll be due a revival one day soon. 

The page above was created for the UKCAC 1990 convention booklet. For this one, I did the script as well as the art. This was set in the days when comic cons were dominated by lads with rucksacks full of comics. Times have changed for the better!

Hopefully next year, when I've found all the original strips, I'll self-publish a little comic collecting them all along with other bits and bobs. Watch this space! 

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