Tuesday 20 September 2016

Cover story

Here's a photo I thought you might like to see that I took a few weeks ago when I was inking the cover to Derek the Troll. As you can see, it was only partially completed at that stage. When the inks were finished I scanned the art into Photoshop to colour it and add the logo etc. (I designed the logo using a Comicraft font called KillZone. http://www.comicbookfonts.com/ )

Here's how the published comic looks...

Sales are going well on Derek the Troll so far. If you'd like a copy you can order a signed copy directly from me at my online shop and I'll post it out to you:

Remember, you won't find independent comics like these in newsagents. The UK comics industry these days often uses other ways to survive, such as comic shop sales, conventions, and mail order. If you're a fan of British comics, please show your support. Thanks.

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