Thursday 21 April 2016

Birmingham Comics Festival timetable

The Birmingham Comics Festival has just revealed the timetable of panel discussions for Saturday's event at Edgbaston Stadium. I'll be on two of the panels so I hope to see you there! The rest of the day I'll be at my table doing sketches and selling copies of Brickman Returns! (Yes, still some left from the second printing. Don't miss out!) My table is in Hall 1, situated between Ian Kennedy and Laura Howell. 

Here's the timetable for the panel discussions...

This year’s panels will be held upstairs in the 'Room with a View' which is adjacent to the Banqueting Suite.

11.00am - Must Be Something in the Water – Brummie creators and their Black County brethren explore the reasons the region’s given birth to such quality talent and draws others to come live here, creating comics read all over the world.

Guests include: Ian Edginton, Ian Richardson & Lew Stringer.

11.30am -God Bless America – Boom! Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, AfterShock and Image, all important publishers based in the USA, and we’ve got some of their fantastic creators ready to talk about the books they’re working on for them!

Guests include: Dan Abnett, Luca Pizzari  & Steve Pugh.

12.30pm - Diversity or Damnation? – “Is there any reason that character has to to be a guy?” Questioning stereotypes in comics, and the merits of shoehorning a situation to fit an untapped marketing demographic with star guests from across the spectrum of comics and cosplay.

1.30pm - Classroom Comic Capers - Literacy and low bow culture: Is there room for comics in the classroom? Can they teach or should they just entertain? A heated debate between teachers and those working on the frontline of creating comics for today’s readership.

2.30pm - Better The Devil you Know - What makes one collaborative team work and another fail? Is working for one publisher better than the other because of what they pay you, the characters you get to draw or the respect you’re given? Those on the receiving end, both good and bad have their say.

Guests include: Dan Abnett & Ian Edginton

3.15pm - British Intelligence – Sci-fi, war, superhero reprints and stripy t-shirted troublemakers. Find out what it takes to put your favourite British comics on the newsstand, by the people who make them.

Guests include: Jim Alexander, Ian Kennedy & Lew Stringer.

4-30pm - Cosplay Competition - It's your chance to shine like a star.  Entrants to our four categories have the chance to win trophies and prizes.

For full details of the event see the con website:

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