Saturday 26 December 2015

New Stikkums for Christmas!

I'm a bit late promoting this but as it's still only Boxing Day, here's news of a seasonal addition to the Stikkums app I do the artwork for. 
The latest digital Stikkums pack has a Christmas theme, with two Santas, a snowman, a snowwoman, three elves, four kids, a reindeer, two new backgrounds and more! As with the previous Stikkums packs you download the pack and position the characters onto the backgrounds. 
You can use characters multiple times, reposition them as you like, flip, resize, rotate, recolour them, and some even have blank faces you can upload your own photo into. You can also use them to interact with characters in previous packs of course, and vice versa. 
You can find out all the info at the Stikkums website here:
Stikkums is a behavioral reward app for children but it's fun for all ages really. (And presumably you're reading this blog because you like my artwork, so collect 'em all! :))
I hope you're having an enjoyable Christmas / holidays. I'll update this blog again in a few days. 

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