Thursday 2 July 2015

Combat Colin Lives!

The character of mine that most people ask to see again is Combat Colin, the bobble-hatted hero who appeared in Marvel UK's Action Force and Transformers comics in the late 1980s. This therefore is just a reminder that brand new three page Combat Colin stories appear from time to time in the award-winning digital comic Aces Weekly. All-new Combat, same old daftness!

You'll find the first one in Aces Weekly Volume 1 No.1. There's page one above. Colin and Semi-Automatic Steve encounter a new menace in the form of the Zombie-Yeds!

The second new complete story appeared in Aces Weekly Vol.8 No.7, with a guest appearance by The Giggly Sisters leading to Colin and Steve meeting an old foe.

The most recent Combat Colin strip appeared in Aces Weekly Vol.16 No.6, with our heroes flying into space to avert the Ass-teroid!

Each issue of Aces Weekly also contains several other all-new strips by a variety of top comics creators. And the best bit is, each volume of seven issues will only cost you £6.99. Less than a pound a comic! It's multi-platform so you can access it on an iPad, Android tablet, PC, or Mac. If you haven't yet tried it, what's stopping you? Check it out:

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