Monday 29 July 2024

Mini-Marvel auction!

 A big thank you to those of you who bid on the Kevin O'Neill artwork I sold yesterday. I have another couple of items for sale at present; two of my Mini-Marvels strips that I did for Panini UK nearly 20 years ago. Bidding on these ends on Wednesday 31st July. Good luck!

Saturday 27 July 2024

Sunday auction ends soon!

The clock is ticking on the auction for this original artwork by Kevin O'Neill of an illustration of Torquemada in zombie form. 20% of the takings will go to Cancer Research UK.

Kev drew this for me back in 1983 and it was published as the back cover of my fanzine Fantasy Express No.4. Over 40 years old and still in perfect condition because it's been carefully stored away.

You'll find the listing at the following link. Best of luck with your bids! 



As regular readers of this blog will know, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) last year. A form of blood cancer. It's incurable, but it is treatable when the time becomes necessary. As treatment / chemo is so dangerous and debilitating the doctors prefer to "watch and wait" until the time is right.

I do get more tired these days, and that's having a knock on effect on work. My apologies for those of you who commissioned sketches if I haven't done yours yet. At present I'm having to prioritise the remaining mainstream comic work I have but will fit in the sketches when I can. 

A recent CT scan revealed swollen lymph nodes throughout my body so my consultant tells me I'll most likely need to start treatment in the next few months. At the moment I'm trying to catch up with work and sell off artwork to pay bills, and get things in order before my next appointment. 

I'm not sure if I'll be doing any more conventions in the forseeable future. Perhaps one more this year, if things work out, but I'll announce that if it happens.I'll miss seeing my friends at comic cons more than anything I think, but hopefully I'll be back at some point.


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Latest art auction. Viz, Marvel, Doctor Who... and Torquemada!

There are few pieces of original comic art on my eBay listings this week that I hope will appeal to a variety of collectors. 

First up, is a fantastic illustration of Torquemada in zombie form that Kevin O'Neill did for my fanzine Fantasy Express No.4 back in 1983. I'm reluctant to sell this but needs must. 20% of the winning bid will go to Cancer Research UK, as Kev died of the disease in 2022. Bidding ends on this one on Sunday 28th July. You can find it listed here:

The rest of the items for sale are my own artwork and bidding ends on Wednesday 31st July. There's a Norman the Doorman comic strip that I did for Viz No.123, published back in 2003. I think this is the last Norman strip I have available. It's listed here:

Next there's a Daft Dimension comic strip that I did for Doctor Who Magazine No.496 in 2016. It features the 2nd and 12th Doctors. Here's the link:

Then a Mini Marvels comic strip, plus the pencilled rough, from Panini UK's Rampage magazine in 2006...

...and finally another Mini Marvels from Spectacular Spider-Man comic in 2008...

(I only did a few Mini Marvels so grab 'em while you can!) 

Good luck with your bids. If you want to see the full listings here's the link:

Saturday 20 July 2024

Latest Doctor Who Magazine is out now

Issue 606 of the official Doctor Who Magazine is in the shops now. Amongst its 84 packed pages there's another Daft Dimension comic strip from me. Find the mag at WH Smiths, supermarkets, comic shops, or order it by mail from this address: 


Saturday 13 July 2024

The Dandy Annual 2025 is coming soon!

Now available to pre-order from the D.C. Thomson Shop and other online sources, The Dandy Annual 2025 will feature 112 pages of new material including old favourites and brand new characters. 

The new Dinah Mo, who made her debut in this year's Dandy Summer Special will feature in four double page strips in the annual, written and drawn by me. 

Although using the name of a 1970s traditional "naughty kid" character, the new Dinah Mo, created by the editorial team at D.C. Thomson, is an eco warrior whose intentions are to save the planet even if the results accidentally cause chaos! 

With a splendid cover by Steve Bright showing characters old and new, The Dandy Annual 2025 will be out in August and can be pre-ordered from the shop at this link:


The Dunfermline Story - a 68 page comic special!

How to make history interesting for all ages? Publish it in comic form of course! Sequential art is a proven and excellent way to engage readers with stimulating images and captions, and the latest such venture is The Dunfermline Story.

Written and published by Colin Maxwell (of Commando comics fame) with a grant from the Scottish Government, The Dunfermline Story is a 68 page softback featuring artwork by Anna Morozova, Martin Baines, Vicente Alcazar, Nigel Parkinson, Mike Collins, Andrew Sawyers, and many more. Keeping its roots as a true Scottish comic, it's written in Scots (like The Broons, only moreso) which gives the book a unique flavour. 

Colin contacted me months ago to draw a page called Dead Famous for the book and I was happy to do so.

The Dunfermline Story is a fascinating book and one I'm very pleased to have contributed to. You can order a copy from this link: 




LoLz Launched at the London Comic Festival

It was good to see the new all-ages comic LoLz launched at the London Comic Festival last weekend. The new 32 page full colour comic features a variety of comic strips by people such as Nigel Parkinson, Sonia Leong, Matylda McCormack-Sharp, Mike Powell, Sarak Millman and many more - including the return of Derek the Troll in an all new story by me.


In case you're not familiar with the character, I created Derek the Troll 40 years ago and he first appeared in Games Workshop's Warlock magazine before moving over to White Dwarf for a while. A few years ago I published a collection of those strips (now out of print - but may be back in print soon). Then in 2018 I revived Derek for a new full colour serial in the online comic Goof! Sadly the comic stopped before the serial was concluded but, all being well, I will complete and publish it in print next year.

For now though, you can read a new Derek the Troll story in LoLz No.1. How to obtain a copy? Simply go over to The77 website at this link...

LoLz is available with a choice of two covers. One by Matylda McCormack-Sharp, one by S.P. Zero.

With publisher Ben Cullis at London Comic Festival


Tuesday 9 July 2024


UPDATE: SOLD OUT IN 25 MINUTES - but I'll have more printed in a week or two. 

I launched the long awaited Combat Colin No.5 at the London Comic Festival laast Friday and now it's available by mail order from my eBay page at this link...

Due to rising print and postage costs I've had to increase the price but I hope you'll still consider it good value. 28 pages of classic comic strips plus covers. 

I'm expecting it to sell out fast but don't worry if you miss it. I'll get another batch printed in a week or two!


London Comic Festival 2024

Photo by Nigel Wolfin.

My thanks to Tony Lee, Amy McGarry-Thickitt , Antony McGarry-Thickitt for the invite to the very enjoyable London Comic Festival at the weekend, part of the London Film and Comic Con at Olympia. As well as their hard work running the event, they always made sure guests were looked after and their thoughtfulness was much appreciated. 

Photo by Colin Maxwell.

The major highlight for me this year was being inducted into the London Comic Festival Hall of Fame. An award I'll treasure for the rest of my life. It came as a complete surprise when event organiser Tony Lee made the presentation at the end of a panel discussion on Saturday morning. 

Tony Lee, David Leach, Rachael Smith, me, and Irma Page.

The London Film and Comic Con has always invited comics creators from all genres of comics, and always treated humour comics with the same respect as the more "serious" comics so it felt very uplifting to receive an award for my 40 years in the business. Other award winners this year were editor Shelley Bond, artist Simon Bisley, and TV presenter Peter Purves.


With actor, artist, entertainer and good friend Jessica Martin. Photo by Nigel Wolfin.

It was a great three day event that may have been a bit smaller than previous summer shows but still filled a massive hall at Olympia with a good balance of comic creators, actors, and exhibitors. Everyone I spoke to at my table said they were enjoying the show. Thanks to all who bought a sketch, a comic, or just wanted to chat. 

Combat Colin No.5 was launched at the show on Friday morning and sold well over the weekend. For those who couldn't make it, it'll be available from my eBay store tonight from 7pm. 


The new all-ages comic LoLz was also launched at the show. The new comic from The77 Publications that includes an all new Derek the Troll page by me. You can order it from this link:

With Ben Cullis, publisher of LoLz and other comocs from The77 stable.

A big part of any convention is catching up with friends and meeting new people. It was an absolute pleasure to spend time with Emma Vieceli , Jessica Martin and Nigel, David Leach , Petra Manley-leach, Mike Collins , Bernadette Vella, Aly Fell and Rosie, Ian Richardson, Rachael Smith, Peter Hogan and Ellie, Sonia Leong , Nigel Parkinson , Pau Scorpi , Robert Rankin, Rachel Rankin-Hayward , Kit Cox , Irma Page , Mark Buckingham , Steve Tanner , Dave West, Colin Maxwell, Gary Erskine , Yel Zamor , Lee Townsend , Kev Sutherland , Pye Parr , Rob Williams, Ben Cullis , Andrw Sawyers , Marc Laming , Leonard Sultana , Joel Meadows, Hamish Steele, Stephen Baskerville , and many more I've bound to have forgotten in my post-convention weariness. 

I've been going to comic cons for 45 years (40 as a guest) and the positivity, laughs, genuine friendship and mutual respect at the shows are always uplifting. The best of times. 

Here are a few photos taken over the weekend. As always I wish I'd taken more but we were busy and there wasn't always the right moment but I did manage to snap these...

Commando writer Colin Maxwell cosplaying as Combat Colin!

Super artist/writer and good pal Rachael Smith.

Writer Kit Cox

Legendary writer Roberty Rankin and his wife Rachel Rankin-Hayward.

It's Dennis the Menace artist Nigel Parkinson!


Superb artist Pau Scorpi.


Dave West and Steve Tanner of Time Bomb Comics


Joel Meadows, publisher of Tripwire magazine

Out for a meal with Peter Hogan and Ellie, David Leach and Petra Manley-Leach on Saturday night.

Early Sunday morning before the crowds arrived.
The amazing roof of the Olympia hall.

I've no definite plans for more shows this year as yet but I'll announce them on this blog if there are developments.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Ready for COMBAT COLIN No.5?

This Friday, COMBAT COLIN No.5 will debut at the London Comic Festival (London Film and Comic Con) at Olympia. Available *exclusively* from my table all weekend. (Not available in shops or from other traders.) I'm only bringing along 20 or 25 copies so first come, first served. (I'll also have copies of issues 3 and 4 and other stuff.)
Don't worry if you miss out, as more will be on sale on my eBay listings from Monday! (UPDATE: It'll be Tuesday evening now at 7pm.) - And if they sell out I'll have more soon!

This issue reprints all the Combat Colin strips from Marvel UK's Transformers comic Nos.284 to 311 (1990/91) and includes Megabrain invading the Earth, the Secret Origin of Combat Colin, RoboCol, The Bobble Hat of Doom, and more! 

See you at the London Comic Festival (part of the London Film and Comic Con) from Friday 5th July to Sunday 7th July