Coming down from the high spirits of the London Film and Comic Con I'm totally exhausted today but it was worth it! Catching up with friends and meeting the readers means so much to me these days and those four days in London are a highlight of the year. I was there from Thursday to Sunday night, (with the convention running from Friday morning to Sunday evening). A mammoth event, tiring but enjoyable!
Thanks to Tony Lee, Amy McGarry-Thickitt and their crew for organising the Comic Zone and looking after guests so well. Not forgetting Irma Page for her great job hosting our panel discussion on Saturday.
It was so good to see old friends again and meet the readers! A big thank you as well to everyone who dropped by my table to buy something or just to talk. The weekend gave me the boost I needed.
Thanks for the great company of Laura Howell, David and Petra Manley-leach, Aneke MY, DaNi, Jessica Martin, Mike Collins, Bernadette Vella, Peter Hogan, Eleanor Hughes, Ian Richardson, Gary Erskine, Yel Zamor, Rachael Smith, Rachael Stott, Dan Slott, Irma Page, Simon Bisley, Stephen Baskerville, Guillermo Ortego, Ben Cullis, Jo Heeley, Andrw Sawyers, Brian Bolland, Hunt Emerson, John McCrea, Kev Sutherland, Nigel Parkinson, Pau Scorpi, David Roach, Sonia Leong, Simon Williams, Jason Cardy, Simon Furman, Shane Chebsey, Ben Dickson, Lee Townsend, Geoff Senior, Amrit Birdi, Steve Tanner, Dave West, Erica Shultz, Mark Stafford, Jeff Chahal, and many more I've no doubt forgotten!
Here are a few photos from the weekend...
Tables set up on Friday morning, ready for the show!
The massive hall at Olympia. Comic Zone on the balcony.
List of panels for Saturday.
Brian Bolland sighting at the SHIFT comic stall.
Good pal and top Beano artist Laura Howell.
Steve Tanner, publisher of new UK comic QUANTUM.
With my good friend from Madrid, comic artist Aneke.
Longtime friend, comic creator David Leach.
Dapper Dan Boultwood, artist of Steel Commando for Monster Fun comic.
Artist Gary Erskine and colourist Yel Zamor.
With good friend actor/comic creator Jessica Martin.
Artist Chris Geary drawing from a live model.